Saturday, 26 March 2011

What did you expect from The Vaccines?

Ok, so I know no one reads this, so it's ok to admit it here that I actually went out and bought The Vaccines album- "What did you expect from The Vaccines?"... I expected fucking The Libertines, The Strokes, Arctic Monkeys, The Smiths... the way NME were arse licking them, wanking them off and doing their washing.
But I'm going to see them when I see Arctic Monkeys so I might as well know their music, and what they're about... I'm kind of forcing myself to like them.
Hype aside they are an ok band.
But they really don't deserve to be the next big thing, On What did you expect from The Vaccines, the songs sound samey, it's background music. I wouldn't pay to see it (by choice).
Only one track stands out to me, "Post Break-Up Sex"... because it's catchy and I sing it to my Vaccines hating friend to piss her off, so I know it quite well.
I'm quite undecided on The Vaccines, I don't think I have reviewed it very well at all. If I were you though, if you like their singles, just buy them, it would be a waste to buy the whole album, believe me, it's the same song recycled 11 times.
NME seem to think The Vaccines will be some kind of musical revolution, NME can fuck off. There are way better things happening and it's not The Vaccines that are going to change music as we know it.
An NME review also compares it to The Strokes' "Is this it?"... I don't even know what to say to that.

I'd probably give the album 2/5
There are no interesting points at all, it is consistently ok.

The band itself caused quite a stir, one of them, the singer maybe (I dunno, they are really fucking boring... too boring to care) is like really posh or something? You know when you read something? and you just really couldn't give a shit? yeah? I'm not gonna get into that then.

Did I get what I expected? Yes... I "don't believe the hype."

Saturday, 12 February 2011

Things I am looking forward to about this first half of the year;

1. I am finally going to start my driving lessons! I have sent off my provisional driving licence application, so next week hopefully I'll be able to book some lessons;
If I were able to drive, I'd be so happy, I'd not have to use the shitty public transport as much, I'd be able to drive to college... I'd be able to drive wherever I wanted if I had the petrol!
And now that the bad of the winter is over, it's not going to be horrible to drive around in the weather

2. Pete Doherty at Leeds O2 Academy- I am actually so looking forward to this, it's all the way in May but that doesn't not make me any less excited for it! I am actually so in love with this man, and I think it would just be brilliant to hear his solo stuff live... I was lucky enough to see The Libertines last year, which was amazing! And I also saw Carl Barat last year which was oh so good too! I just need to see Pete! (Then I'll have a think about whether I should go see Gary's new band ahahah, but of course I need to see Babyshambles too)

This is one of my favourite pictures of Pete.

3. Angles- The Strokes. Need I say more? I saw the new album art last night, and the new single is just like WOW... it's really happening! I am hoping they'll tour, which they should do... I still need to find a friend who   likes The Strokes which is going to be hard as most of them haven't heard of them. Yes. I was shocked too;

Me: It was well exciting last night when the new Strokes single came out
Friend: Who?
Me: The Strokes...
Friend: Never heard of them.
Friend: No... ere Daniella, have you ever heard of The Strokes?
Daniella: No.

4. Arctic Monkeys- 
This bit needs a few parts to it, because there are a few things you should be looking forward to about Arctic Monkeys.

  • Alex Turner is releasing an EP soon, it's a soundtrack EP for the film Submarine... I can't wait for it!!!! I would also love to see the film too.
  • A NEW ALBUM. Now this is probably the best news you could have, and it just irritates me when people say stuff like "Oh I hope it isn't like Humbug..." or "I didn't like Humbug"... Humbug was amazing! I'd even go as far to say that it's their best album, Alex Turners lyrics are just so much more now, and the sound is oh so sexy and dark. And just wow. So I am really excited to see where they are going to go after Humbug, because in my eyes, it's pretty hard to beat. 
  • They are playing two shows in Sheffield... and I have tickets! I'm going on the friday, Miles Kane and The Vaccines are supporting, I don't particularly like The Vaccines, I don't get the hype to be honest. I saw Arctic Monkeys in London last March at the Teenage Cancer Trust gigs, it was sooooo good! Once I saw them, I wanted to see them a million times over.

So yes, these are the main things I am looking forward to, now, I better get ready, because, I'm going to walk the streets of Leeds tonight, looking for a cheap gig to go to... because I can.



Friday, 4 February 2011

A boring person, with a boring post, and a sexy picture of Carl Barat.

I can't be arsed doing this 30 day challenge, I'm bored of it... I get bored of things quickly, I can't stick to anything I promise myself I'll do, thats probably why I'm more of a spontaneous person than one who plans things, and is organised, otherwise, I wouldnt do anything!

Fuck it.

Bye for now, here's a picture of the ever so sexy Carl Barat to make this post look a bit more interesting, and this is why I only have one follower... hahah, I guess having a blog and the innability to think is not the best mix, but I'm working with it! xxxo

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Days 9 to 22.

Day 9: Something that makes you sad when you think about it.
I guess all the normal things that would make you sad? Like when your family members have died, stuff like that? Oh and the fact that I don't think I'll ever be able to take porridge seriously and enjoy it.

Day 10: One thing you've lied about.

I don't lie a lot, just about stuff like illness when I want a skive off college, I don't lie about anything bad.... I'm a good girl :)

Actually, this bowl of porridge is pretty tasty ;)

Day 11: Would you rather be stranded on a dessert island with someone you love for 10 years or someone you hate for a month.

Hmmm well this is a no brainer, someone you hate for a month! Things can be resolved easily, plus I don't think I hate anyone enough or at all where it would be hard to 'survive'.

Day 12: Something you're currently worrying about.

Hmm the usual stuff, college and boys.

Day 13: Name one person off of blogger who you'd marry, one you'd throw off a cliff and one you'd shag.

Well I only know one person on here, so, Paddy lets shag and get married. And I'll see how I feel about throwing you off a cliff later....

Day 14: Something disgusting you do.

Bite my nails? Is that disgusting, well I do it.

Day 15: Lyrics that apply to your current situation/mood.

We Get On - Kate Nash

Day 16: A drunken story.

Ermm at Leeds fest I got really drunk, and ended up kissing this boy I barely knew for 3 hours sober all night, ermm, he wanted to have sex with me in the tent, but I refused, because I'm not a slag, AND his dick was really really really small, it freaked me out.

Day 17: Something you regret.

I don't regret anything, well maybe, I wished I spent longer doing my art, ah well.

Day 18: To do list.

Get a job.
Get my a levels.
Get a life.

Day 19: Post a picture of yourself without your hair and makeup done.


Day 20: Your best sexual experience/ your sex life or lack thereof.

It is pretty much non existent.

Day 21: Press ctrl and v and post

It's some news about that there might be some more libertines gigs this year... exciting stuff!

Day 22: Post a bit of your last IM conversation.

I'm the one at the start, and this is honestly the last conversation I had hahah... I couldn't decided which bit to post either so, here you go.

Urgh ok, i was going to finish this but this my friends are coming to annoy me. Bye x

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Day 8: Your last night out in detail.

Hmm well I guess the last time I went out was when I went to see Miles Kane, I don't think it would be very interesting for me to describe it in detail;

I guess this is what happened;

  1. We got there.
  2. We gave a man our tickets and got our hand stamped.
  3. We went for a walk round.
  4. We got a pint of lager each, and sat and drank it.
  5. We went to the toilet.
  6. We watched the support - We managed to get the very front, because no one was really watching them, they were all busy at the bar.
  7. We stole their set lists.
  8. We watched Miles Kane.
  9. We stole a couple of his guitar picks.
  10. We then went to the bar for drinks.
  11. I downed two vodka and cokes really quickly.
  12. A couple of members from the support band were staring at me for some reason.
  13. Someone asked me to have a picture with them.... this confused me but I did it anyway.
  14. Someone asked me where I got my skirt from.
  15. We went and met Miles Kane,
  16. I had a picture with him,
  17. he signed my last shadow puppets album,
  18. and used my pen to sign everyone elses things.
  19. We went home;
  20. Mission accomplished.

Sunday, 30 January 2011

Day 6: How you'd spend 10, 000 pound.

Hmmmmmmm well I'd probably buy my leeds fest ticket, and one for Paddy too because he'd only be jealous hehe, and I would buy all the cds I needed, ermm go to a few gigs, maybe buy some other festival tickets, because well, I could.

And if I had any money left, I'd just learn to drive and buy a car :)

Wow that's a short post, I guess I'll do day 7 too;

Things you like/don't like about the way you look

  • Well, I love my hair the way it is at the moment, I love the colour even though it's terrible... it's black with purple at the roots, because I'm a fool with hair dye heheh
  • I don't like my boobs, they are too big, now that might be a strange thing not to like, but seriously, I hate having big boobs, I'm not even sure what size they are, probably E or something hahaha
  • I like the size of my feet; they are size 4 which is very convenient because hardly anyone is a size 4 meaning they always have the shoes I want in stock :)
  • I don't like my posture! It's awful! 
  • I like my face in general, how narcissistic does that sound?! haha but yeah, I like the way my face looks
  • I don't like my teeth, they arent all over the place, they are actually straight but they are too small! they are tiny, if I opened my mouth you wouldnt see them, I always wished I had sexy teeth haha
  • I like my skin colour, being mixed race even when I'm pale I dont look pale like other people so it's quite nice having brown skin tones lol
  • I don't like my hands, well, my fingers, they are getting a bit better, but I have always wanted them to look really feminine like my mums, but they still look like childrens hands, I suppose the size doesnt help...
  • I like my skin, I'm pretty lucky I don't get many spots, I used to get them really really badly up untill last year, its great having goodish skin because I dont have to pile on the makeup :)
  • I don't like my arms, I know I'm a 'curvy' girl, but that's what you get when you're dads family are all extremely MEGA hugantafatties..... but yeah, I dont like my arms, they are too big, and it doesnt help I have giant boobs!!! Oh well, at least I don't look odd :)

Saturday, 29 January 2011

Day 5: Weird things you do when you're alone.

I thought this was going to be a hard one to do, because well I don't think there's much weird stuff I do that I don't impose on my friends, but there is one thing I do when I'm alone which I don't think anyone knows about;

When I'm alone I lay on the floor facing down, and just move around the room in various ways;
A personal favourite is to just squirm and struggle in the hope that I'll move forward, also, I like to just use my arms and drag myself.

I think this is all stems back to when I was little, I used to lay on the floor and push myself around just using my legs, my mum used to tell me off, and also joke that I was polishing the floor,

So yeah it's a quite comforting thing to do, like sucking your thumb or something haha.

I think that's probably the only weird thing I do when I'm alone...